January 19, 2017

Invisalign Update

Today marks 1 year to the day that I have had my Invisalign, and I thought I would celebrate by doing an update for you guys. I did do an Invisalign First Impression video and blog post that had some tips and tricks, to help any newbies out there, I will place the video below so you can watch that if you like.
I want to start off by saying I am honestly so grateful I was able to do a full Invisalign treatment, it was expensive, but I whole heartedly feel it was worth the money, and the time put into it.
Having said that there are a few things that I didn't know going in and thought I would share here.

1. It will give you a bit of a lisp. 
Having said that you do end up learning to speak a bit clearer and the lisp typically shows up when you place new trays in, which is about every 2-3 weeks. Also the lisp is not as noticeable to everyone else as it is to you, so don't let that stand in your way.

2. You see your Orthodontist A LOT, so pick someone you like. 
I would say I see my Orthodontist every 10-12 weeks, and he is so nice, and he himself has gone through the full Invisalign course, so he knows what I'm going through and is always ready for any questions I have.

3. They will place clips/hooks on your teeth.
That sounds so scary and ugly but it really isn't, they are simply tooth colored bumps made from a glue/gel, and thats how your Invisalign will push or pull your teeth in the direction they need to go. Once your done with your Invisalign course they simply pop them off, there is no pain involved with the clips.

4. Sometimes you have stubborn teeth.
In December 2016 I had a problem with a really tight tray, typically I would leave it in for 3 weeks rather than 2 but 4 weeks had passed and it was still tight. My Orthodontist gave me this thing called Chewies Aligner Tray Seaters, they are essentially little rubber dental hoses that you chew on to push your trays down over the teeth, and that in turn forces the teeth to move. There is some pressure/pain associated with this, but it's not enough to cause you to cry it simply feels like an achy tooth. I am now using the rubber hose every night while watching tv as it makes your teeth sit into the trays better, which means faster results. Having said that I do no want to do a revision course because I tried to speed it up, so I still wear them for 2 weeks.

5. You get tired jaws.
You are supposed to wear your trays 22 hours a day, which I honestly try to do. On the days that I achieve this goal I do notice that my jaws feel tired, it's that feeling you get when you've been talking too much, or chewing the same piece of gum for too long. When this happens I pop the trays out for about 10 minutes and the pressure goes away.

6. Buy a cheap nail file.
The trays are made from plastic and sometimes they can have a sharp edge or a tiny fragment that needs to come off, using a cheap emory board file it down until it can be placed in your mouth without causing any pain.

7. Get your teeth filed.
The first time I went into my Orthodontist appointment to get my tray fitting, (which is where they take the molds of your mouth), the first thing they did was file the tops of my teeth, so they were smooth and not worn/jagged. They did this because thats how your teeth should look, and they wanted the trays to fit really snuggly. My Orthodontist had said not every dentist will do this, and most people have to request it, but it shouldn't result in an additional charge, so make sure you ask them to do this before your molds are done.

I think that is everything I can think of right now. If you have any specific questions leave them in the comments and I will make a point to return to this post to answer questions. Also here is today's Invisalign Update Video.


January 17, 2017

Best Of 2016

2016 was a defining year for me in the beauty department. It was the year that I settled on an "everyday" makeup look that I really liked and suited me, it was also the year that my skin said a big f*ck you and decided it was going to act all cray, get overly dry, and for the first time in my life start getting major breakouts. 2016 was also the year I feel like I kind of fell into the Alice in wonderland whole, and my world felt upside down and disorganized. It didn't feel this way because of any major life change, it was just 2016 the weird upside down year that everyone seemed to be having. 
Through out this crazy year I did find some things that just really ticked the box for me, it really made me feel like "yes this is something I want/need in my life forever", and those are the items I will be sharing with you today.

Tarte Silk Eyeliner Black (No Longer Available)
Becca/Jaclyn Hill Champagne Collection Face Palette (No Longer Available)

Bioderma Micellar Water

As you can see I had A LOT of favorites in 2016, some of which unfortunately are no longer available, but I did try and find everything I could. If you feel like watching a crazy long video I will link the video for this below. Also leave me a comment telling me what your favorites of 2016 are.


My Meals Monday | A Lazy Day

This past week has been one of the craziest stressful weeks of my life. It started off with Don having what was supposed to be super simple surgery to repair a tear to his eyelid, and ended with 3 surgeries in a four day span. However having said that I feel so glad that the issues that resulted from the first surgery led us to find that he had 6 tumors varying in size from a dime to a golfball, resting on a blood vessel in his abdomen. Thankfully they were all successfully removed in surgery number two, but due to the location led to some bleeding, which resulted in surgery number three. Having said all of that he is home, and feeling totally normal, and we are currently awaiting the results from the lab as to whether or not those tumors were cancerous, we are choosing to think very positive on this and are confident everything will come back normal.
With all of that happening between Monday and Friday, on Sunday I completely crashed, I felt like I hadn't slept in days, which I really hadn't, and I was so emotionally worn out, I just wanted a day of watching tv in bed and eating comfort food, and thats exactly what I did.

For breakfast I made a smoothie with Vanilla Protein Powder, 1 Banana, Almond Milk, and Frozen Fruit.This is one of my favorite smoothies in the whole world, it tastes just like ambrosia because of the fruit mix.

The night before I had made a shepherds pie with mash potatoes, peas, celery, onions, carrots, and hamburger. It was delicious so I added a bit of cheese on top and had a feast for lunch.

I have these beautiful chocolate hearts from Christmas and wanted a bit of something naughty so I broke into this baby. I almost hated to do it as it's so beautiful, but it was so worth it.

For dinner I just had more of the shepherds pie but I didn't add the mash potato topping as I felt I should try and eat something that borderlined healthy lol.
I was going to have a Chocolate Pudding for dessert but Louis came trotting out of the bedroom chewing on my invisalign, so I instead spent the evening breaking in a new pair of trays a bit earlier than I was supposed to. Gotta love that boy right lol.

After the craziness of last week, I am hoping this week will be super calm and hopefully a little relaxing. Here is today's My Meals Monday video and don't forget to leave me a comment on what you ate today.


January 12, 2017

3K Subscriber Giveaway

In December I hit 3K subscribers on my Main Channel, so what better way to celebrate than a Giveaway. I posted a poll on twitter asking what you guys would like to receive and the winning item was 5 misc items from Sephora, so thats what we have today!!!

Items in the giveaway are:

To enter this giveaway, simply use the app below, the only mandatory rule is that you be subscribed to my Main Channel, the other items are optional. This giveaway will end on January 28th 2017, and the winner will be announced via YouTube on January 29th.
Thank you all so much for your love and support, and don't worry we are at almost 7K subscribers so there are many giveaways headed your way!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


January 5, 2017

Plan With Me

There is nothing on this earth I love more, than a good planner. It feeds right into my need to control everything, (and sometimes everyone), around me. So I thought I would share my monthly plan for January in my new Erin Condren Planner.

 For planning my monthly calendar I always use JumpToItDesigns stickers from Etsy. I make a point of ordering the matte stickers as they are removable, which makes life so much easier when your schedule changes.

I also use different colored pens as it makes looking at me schedule easier. I like blue for dental/invisalign, purple for doctor appointments, teal for birthdays, pink for my youtube & blog,  and green for business.
The pens I use are the Tul Gel Ink set.

If you would like to watch the video of my plan with me session, you can find it here, along with todays vlog.

Also let me know how you keep your schedule organized, do you plan your months, weeks, days, or play it fast and loose?


January 2, 2017

My Meals Monday | Starting Off Right

I wanted to start the year off right, and you all know how much I live me some oatmeal, so thats what I had this morning. I paired it with a massive glass of water, and a very much needed espresso.

Am Snack:
For my snack I had another massive glass of water, I'm suffering from major New Years dehydration lol. I also had a Nature Valley Fruit & Nut bar.

I was craving tuna so badly, so I made half a tuna melt, and put the rest of the tuna on the side. It was amazing!

Pm Snack/Lunch Two:
I had to do a bit of grocery shopping and whilst there I grabbed this amazing California roll. I also had a Trenta Green Tea unsweetened.

It's been a tiny bit cold here for the last couple of weeks, and tonight I had a super hot bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup. It was the perfect bit of comfort food that I needed, however it was quite spicy, note to self enjoy with milk lol.

I had to have dessert, I couldn't resist this Chocolate Chip Cookie, so I did it, but I kept it reasonable and only had the one. I also had a TeaPigs Licorice and Peppermint tea.

Looking back at this I can see maybe I didn't start the year off 100% right, but I feel good about my decisions, baby steps right? If you want to see today's Main Channel or Daily Vlog they will be below.

What did you eat today? Did you make any weight loss/fitness resolutions?



January 1, 2017

New Year, New Me

As I sit here writing this, I wonder what have I accomplished in 2016? To be honest the answer to that would be nothing.

When 2016 started I was so amped and ready to begin a new journey, in which I would focus more on myself, what I needed to feel complete, and what I could do to turn those feelings into action. Sadly life took over, and thats something that happens to the best of us. I will not allow 2016 's lack of progress to hold me back, instead I will face 2017 head on, and take back my life. 

The first change I will be making in 2017 is my fitness. I am beyond out of shape, and so ready to get 
back to feeling healthy and happy within my own skin.

My second goal is taking some "me time". One of best qualities in my need to help others, it can also be a fault as well. I will spend so much energy trying to help others that I sacrifice anything I want or need for myself. So this year I will take time for me, be it a mani/pedi, or a quiet few minutes where I can center myself and my thoughts.

My third goal this year is to go out and enjoy life more. I live in the most beautiful place on earth, and yet I spend very little time enjoying it. This year I will go to the beach once a week, and I will do something fun touristy once a week as well.

My final goal for this year is to be consistent. I make plans and organize to my hearts content but the moment I start to feel overwhelmed it's like I shut down. So this year I will stay consistent on all of the above, so that I don't feel overwhelmed. I will also stay consistent with my blog and youtube channels. 2016 was probably my worst year, when it comes to producing content. So 2017 will be better and I even have a mini goal of upping my editing and photography skills.

Now that you know my goals I would love to know yours, leave me a comment telling me what you want to accomplish in 2017. And remember that no matter what YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO!

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