May 13, 2017

My Week In Pictures May 7-13, 2017

This week I didn't get up to a ton, as I have been working on a lot business things, as well as doing personal training 3 times a week. On top of the work and the training I have for some reason decided this is the perfect time to do a big declutter. I like to do these a couple of times a year as we live in a small place, but why this week, I have no clue.


This is my view when I take the dogs out for a little stroll, isn't it perfect? I love this view, it's one of those shady spots you can sit and think about life, or just watch the ducks swim by.


I deal with body acne and it is certainly no joke, in fact it can be quite painful, but I've started using the Sunday Riley Martian Gel Toner, and it has really made a huge difference in the areas that I was desperate to cover up. 


This was me at the end of a very long day, and the realization that I had personal training in less than 12 hours was setting in lol.


This is honestly my favorite time of day, when I first wake up and have my coffee, but the house is still quiet, no one is talking or barking, the neighbors car alarm isn't going off yet (yes that happens every morning). I just sit in the peace and quiet drinking my coffee, waiting for the craziness to come lol. 

I had to post this picture, Wednesday evening we were having drinks on the lanai, and Charlie was ruining the moment by barking every time someone walked by. As soon as I picked up my camera he looked over at me like "I'm just standing here minding my own business", he is honestly the cutest most annoying thing in my life :)


I was in the process of cleaning out my office, and I came across some disks from 2006-20011, this was me teaching my little brother Matthew how to swim. How freakin cute was he? And to think now he's all attitude and video games lol.


I am doing a bit of n instagram giveaway, I'm also doing one on twitter, all the info for entering is in the post, it ends on May 16, 2017 so get your entries in quick!


I went to get my nails done again, I did a much pinker shade this time, it makes it feel a bit more like summer. Although to be honest I love a deep plum or black shade on my nails.

And thats what my week looked like, what did you get up to this week?

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