March 12, 2016

Stat Saturday

It has been far too long since I have done a Stat Saturday, and all excuses aside, it's time I step up. It's starting to get quite warm here in Hawaii, and I'm really starting to feel that "pool days" itch, but with that comes the swimsuit pressure :( But I have completely re adjusted my workout routine and currently feel super motivated, and sore from the crazy High Intensity Interval Training I've been doing. But fear not I am still incorporating a lot of cardio into my training as well everyday I try to do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of HIIT.
So because I have completely overhauled everything, including my meal times, and how I'm eating I'm not going to focus on the fact that I weighed in at 181 today, instead I'm going to focus on my training and my eating, as well as just living. The other day I took Louis to the park and the beach for a good old fashioned run around in the hopes that it would tire him out, because Charlie was having surgery and I wanted Louis nice and calm when his brother got home, but it reminded me, I live in the most beautiful place in the world, people pay thousands and thousands of dollars to come and spend just a few days in my hometown. So I have decided I'm going to start enjoying it, I want to get out more, go hiking, go snorkeling, and really just enjoy living in Hawaii because so few are able to say they do.
I'm hoping this new found love for my hometown will not only make my life here more enjoyable, but also by doing more activities outside, that means I'm spending less time sitting on the couch...

I would love if you all left me a comment telling me where your hometown/state is, and what sort of outdoor activities are available in your area.

Here is today's Main Channel Video!

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