January 9, 2016

Happy New Year!!! 2016 Goals

Happy New Year everyone!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to have a new year in which to create new goals for. I was going to call this post 2016 Resolutions, but I have noticed how a multitude of other bloggers/vloggers have been joking about how nobody ever keeps their resolutions, and I am so apart of that group, so I have decided to create a list of "goals" rather than "Resolutions", they are very much the same thing, but mentally it feels different.
So lets crack on with my list of 2016 Goals:

1. Photo/Video Editing.
This year I would like to really learn all the bells and whistles that Final Cut Pro and PhotoShop have to offer, I use both for editing but I feel like I can not only improve my skills but it will bring so much more value to the content I create.

2. Continue Daily Vlogging.
I started "for real" daily vlogging at the end of August and haven't missed a day yet, what made me want to do it was rewatching old vlogmas videos, seeing my niece Sophia experience her first snow, and watching everyone open their gifts via Skype, it's actually an amazing gift to be able to look back on a moment that at the time may seem so trivial but a few years later to actually re-experience that memory with all the wisdom you have gained over time, is truly priceless. 

3.Do Something Different Each Week.
I live in Honolulu Hawaii, most people would say it's the most beautiful place on earth, and I couldn't agree more, but as with most people I can get lost in my day to day life, so I want to make a point to do something different each week. I have already made plans to attend my first English Tea Service, as well as go Kayaking, I would like to be able to push myself as far out of my comfort zone as possible, maybe even Scuba Diving (my brain is screaming at me right now lol).

4. Health and Fitness
I have decided I am tired of being unhappy with myself, I'm tired of always feeling guilty for how I look, and what I eat, so today I am retaking control of my life and happiness, I am going to learn to love myself and change what I do not love. So in 2016 I want to get fit, not in the skinny sense of the word, although lets be honest who doesn't want that, but I want to be able to walk up the 8 floors in my building without feeling like I'm dying, and I want to be able to complete 50 pushes in one go. In order to achieve those goals I need to become more active and eat healthier. I'm actually really excited about working on becoming more active because that means more beach days with the dogs, which they will love, and exploring more of what Hawaii has to offer. 

5. Take the dogs to the beach every Wednesday, not only is this something that is good for them, but it's also good for me to run around the beach, take a dip in the ocean and just relax. 

So those are my four goals for 2016, they are lofty ones and feel a little daunting, but at the same time , I'm so excited to start my new journey and can't wait to see where 2016 takes me!
What are your goals for 2016?

Here is today's Main Channel Video and Daily Vlog!



  1. well... katie.... you said comment anything so ...... here it goes ... *deep breath*..... ANYTHING

    1. omg I love this comment, someone who has a sense of humor, sometimes hard to find on the internet lol


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