June 6, 2015

Style Sunday: My Beach Day OOTD

After living in Hawaii for 10 years I think it's safe to say, I got the beach day attire down! When we first moved here I would go full hair and makeup super cute shoes everything, and then I realized the saying "less is more" really does come into play when your going to the beach, you should be totally comfortable and relaxed, thats the point of going to the beach right, to have fun and unwind, so here is my standard beach look.

Hat- Old Navy
Swimsuit- Macy's
Cover- Ross
Sandles- Guess

So many things went wrong when we shot this, I forgot the SD Card for my big camera so we used the vlog camera until it suddenly hit me 'take the sd card from the vlog and put it in the big camera', and I didn't even get that idea until about 20 minutes into shooting lol. Then the flash on the big camera was on and Don was wear a baseball hat and the flash actually reflected off his hat back onto the lens causing all of the pictures to be washed out, then we went to film the video for this but it was so windy and I had forgotten my mic you couldn't even hear me, so I thought I will post pictures in a video format instead, well sitting here writing this it hits me, 'why didn't we fill and then I remove the sound and add pretty music?' like I said so much went wrong with this but it was so fun at the same time! I really want to start sharing more of my home state (Hawaii) with you guys I feel like I live in the most beautiful place in the world and yet never use it in my blog pictures and youtube videos. 
Let me know in the comments if you like this kind of location shoot or if you prefer the other posts that I did on my Lanai (patio). 
Also here is todays Main Channel Video, and Daily Vlog, (the vlog is very beachy)!



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