September 25, 2016

A Little Change

Hello and welcome back, I took a little 2 week break from here as it's September and that is when I do the planning for the 25 Days Of Christmas Giveaway eeekk!!! Now that I have all the prizes ordered, videos planned, and pictures taken, I can now get back to business as usual, except I have decided to change things up a bit. 

My normal schedule was to upload/blog 7 days a week, while running my household, and running my husbands real estate business, and it's becoming a bit much. While I love blogging, it really is my hobby and passion, but I feel like every few months or so I'm feeling overwhelmed and in need of a break, so I've decided to take a step back and only blog 3 days a week, which will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Which means I will be changing the names of the days it will no longer be Tutorial Tuesday as I will not be doing anything here on Tuesdays so instead I will continue to have My Meals Monday as my What I Eat In A Day videos seem to be some of my most viewed, and then Wednesday and Friday will be free days, so I might do a beauty tutorial, a review, a workout video, a chatty video, I don't know, but I think this is good, and I hope you do as well.

I'm looking forward to having the freedom to create better more original content, and I think that it will also allow me to still have some sort of a life off line. I will continue to daily vlog, as thats something I really love doing, and I will upload on my gaming channel once per week, so I'm not disappearing, I'm just realizing that as much as I would like to,  I cannot do it all.


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