December 17, 2015

Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa Cleansing Balm Review

I'm back!!! You may have noticed I was absent for 2 days, thats because I was having technical difficulties, but I've gotten them sorted and we are back on track!

Today I am sharing with you lovely lot, my 110% all time favorite skincare product, and that is the Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa Cleaning Balm. If you haven't heard of this, I would be very surprised, because it seems like everyone is raving about Emma Hardie right now, and I can see why!

The cleansing balm comes with a wash cloth that is so incredibly soft, that it basically screams "rub me on your face" lol, the only downside of this cloth is that it shrinks, if any of you know how to prevent that please comment below because I am DESPERATE to know.

The cleansing balm is oil based and so it's very moisturizing, so what I like to do is apply it to my dry face with dry hands, let it sit whilst I brush my teeth, then apply warm water and massage your skin a bit more, and then wipe with a wet cloth. I have very dry skin so this step in the morning and at night feels very important to me as my skin drinks up a bit of the oil, even though this is an oil product, if you suffer from acne or oily skin, feel free to join in the fun, this product will not affect your skin negatively (I did try this on a relative who suffers from very severe acne and she actually felt like it helped her skin, as most acne products are very drying to the skin).

I first purchased a 50 ML, then I bought a 100 ML, and I just purchased my first 200 ML, and could not be happier, if there is ever an apocalypse, I'm grabbing my trusty cleansing balm and heading towards the nearest bunker lol.


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