March 4, 2014

Tv Tuesday: Vikings

Todays Tv Tuesday post is about the History Channel Series VIKINGS, this is by far one of my favorite shows on right now. Vikings is written by my favorite screenwriter Michael Hirst, he also wrote, the movies Elizabeth and Elizabeth The Golden Age, as well as the tv series The Tudors. Being the History nerd that I am I of course love him and his writing style and he doesn't disappoint in his new show. 
When I first found this show I watched about 2 episodes and knew I was going to be hooked, the first season stars Gabriel Byron and Travis Fummel, both actors do a great job of acting as well as my favorite character on this show Floki played by Gustaf Skarsgard. 
The sad thing about this show is they have short seasons its not like most shows on ABC or NBC that have around 20 episodes this has about 10, but they also don't take long breaks in between episodes you get a new one every week.
Now a little about the show, Its about the infamous Ragnar Lodbrok, who completely changes the way the vikings travel by sea and how they navigate the oceans. Because this show is on the History Channel it doesn't have a lot of Adult situations but there are a few. I highly recommend this show to anyone that likes history or a good "period" piece, it does have a lot of characters to keep up with and a lot of them look alike, (blonde, long hear, beards lol)so stay alert or you may get lost just in the cast. 


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