May 10, 2015

My Meals Monday: May 11, 2015

Today ended up being a super crazy day for me and unfortunately my food intake suffered, I tried to make the best choices possible for my current hectic day.

I started my day out with my normal iced water and coffee, the only difference was that  made an iced coffee rather than a hot coffee as it is now summer in Hawaii.

As mentioned before I had a super crazy day so I mad Lox which is just Smoked Salmon with cream cheese on a bagel but mine was on toast as I didn't have any bagels in the house.

At Costco the other day I saw these 130 calorie cups of Cranberry Almond Chicken Salad, I will say it was filling and I did like all the different things in it, but (and this is coming from someone who likes almonds), this thing had way too many almonds in it, and they needed to be chopped more as they take your teeth off guard when you think your biting chicken and its an almond :)

All of the sudden it was 2:30 and I missed lunch so I chopped 1 Large tomato, and 1 whole cucumber I then had it with baba ghannouj that my neighbor from Egypt made me, it is grilled eggplant, tahini, garlic, and olive oil, it is literally the most amazing thing ever!!!

For dinner I had a steak as when I was at Costco I purchased a pack of Filet Mignon, and Don doesn't eat red meat so I had to eat it all by myself which was fine, until it was day 4 of steaks lol, this has a black truffle butter on the top that adds so much amazing flavor.

That is everything I had today, I would love to know what you guys ate!



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