November 8, 2015

Fun Friday: What I Got For My Birthday!

I turned 29 on October 27th, I had a great day spent with my family which I of coursed vlogged, but I wanted to do my annual "What I Got For My Birthday" post, unfortunately our internet has been out and trying to use the wifi at Starbucks hasn't been that reliable so this post is a tad late...sorry ;)

I actually got myself a few gifts this year that I saved up for, the first are these amazing Michael Kors brown suede booties, not only are they amazingly comfortable, but they are also quite practical as they go with everything, at least thats what I told myself when buying them lol. 

Whilst shoe shopping I saw these Jessica Simpson black booties and fell in love, they have an interesting V detail to the front that isn't very common with booties and they were significantly cheaper than the Michael Kors so it was a practical purchase, again something I conversed with myself about .

Don purchased the Canon G7 X camera for me so I was able to upgrade my vlogging camera, which then inspired me to upgrade my vlogging technique, which lead to the purchase of more vlogging equipment i.e. tripods, timers, selfie sticks, and the list goes on...

I also got my hair done, I have been saying for a while I wanted to go back to brown, I feel like it suits me better and I felt like the blonde was really starting to damage my hair. So here it is, what do you think? As you can see I was trying to take a super cute selfie but with my giant Canon DSLR, and it wasn't the best selfie ever taken but hey, that thing weighs 11 pounds hahaha.

Then as an early birthday present Don also purchased the Nespresso Citiz bundle, he knows how much I LOVE coffee and I was desperate to buy one, so it was the perfect gift. You may have noticed I have had it for a month now, that would be because on Don's birthday Sept 29, we went to the mall for a little birthday shopping and I saw it in Williams Sanoma and he bought and said, "this means I'm good for birthday, right?" and he totally was, but he of course spoiled me and got me the camera as well.

So my birthday this year was amazing and a truly appreciated all of you'r tweets and messages, it meant a lot to hear from you guys.

Here is the What I Got For My Birthday video, and usually I would put in today's Daily Vlog but I think instead I will put in the Daily Vlog from my actual birthday as it was so amazing to spend the day with my family.



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